Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Analisis Kesesuaian Perairan Segara Anakan Kabupaten Cilacap Sebagai Lahan Budidaya Kerang Totok (Polymesoda Erosa) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produktifitas Primer Menggunakan Penginderaan Jauh

In Segara Anakan, Cilacap, fisheries potency especially Mollusca; species very upmost yet even though its ecosystem fungtion of Segara Anakan Lagoon was continuously; however Bivalve production is one of potential alternative of marine food resource. The constrain faced is Bivalve production still use nature catch and supported by cultivation sector. However local people are still use Bivalve as food resource to improve their family’s nutrient. The research aims : A. Analyze the suitability if marine area in Segara Anakan Lagoon for cultivation area development as business in conserving marine resource based on physic, Chemistry, and biological factor. B. Analyze the suitability of Segara Anakan marine based on field data and satellite image data SPOT through water quality variables that is primary productivity, chlorophylla, water surface temperature, and suspended solid (MPT), pH, dissolve oxygen, Salinity, and soil compotition. The research classified as case study which focused on particular case, intensively, and provide description and complete, conclusion, so that, the research could not implement in other place different. Basic concept of research is to integrate satellite image data SPOT (March, 2007) and field measurement of primary productivity (parameter) in Segara Anakan marine as Bivalve cultivation area and then processed based on weight and its score to find it suitability as cultivation area. Segara Anakan Lagoon based on scoring and suitability level in station 1 and 3 categorized / classified as suitable with specific requirement as totok-shell (Polymedosa erosa) cultivation area or land. As for, suitability level of Required Appropriate are 326,035039 acre. Station 2,4,5,6 and 7 according to suitability level score, it does not suitable as totok-shell cultivation area or land. As for, the width are 557,057573 acre.  
Rumusan Masalah :
Pada penelitian ini akan coba menganalisa kesesuaian kawasan perairan Segara 
Anakan sebagai lahan budidaya sebagai  konservasi dengan menggunakan teknologi 
penginderaan jauh dengan parameter produktifitas primer sebagai acuannya. 

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