Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Peran Kepala Desa Dalam Menunjang Kepastian Hukum Hak Atas Tanah Wakaf Di Kabupaten Grobogan Propinsi Jawa Tengah

In order to give a warranty of rights on land law certainty, the Prime Regulation of Agrarian Affairs Number 5 year 1960 has pointed a land registration in all of the Republic Indonesia territory (section 19). The registry of property donated for religious or community use (waqaf land) has been regulated by the Government Regulation Number 28 Year 1977 and the Regulation of Minister of Home Affairs number 6 Year 1977. Most of our society has less consideration of having the registration of rights on waqaf land; thus, the problems rise very commonly on waqaf lands. In order to avoid that, we need the cheef of village role as the lowest government instrument to support the application of rights on waqaf land law certainty. This thesis discusses about two problems; those are how is the role and what are problems that have to be handled by the chief of village to support the application of rights on waqaf land law certainty in Grobogan regency, Central Java Province. The research of this thesis was held in the territory of Grobogan regency, Central Java Province. The research used yuridical-empirical method. The data results were analized qualitatively and written descriptively. The research result shows the role of the chief of village to support the application of rights on waqaf land law certainty in Grobogan regency was clasified into two things; the first role of the chief of village on waqaf land registration are : the giving of registration administration service and the giving of land affairs information, especially the importance of the registry of rights on waqaf land. The second role of the chief of village on waqaf land problem solving are : stand for the counselor and mediatior for every problem that would be risen in society, and stand for a witness in the execution process of the court sentence. The problems that were handled by the chief of village were; first, there was less counseling and construction for the chief of village. Second, there was a limited operational fund. Third, there was un willingness of the minor part of society in order to follow the activity of the village administration. Fourth, there was no written data of the spoken waqaf process.  
Rumusan Masalah :
1. Bagaimanakah peran Kepala Desa dalam menunjang kepastian hukum hak atas tanah 
wakaf di Kabupaten Grobogan? 
2. Apa saja hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh Kepala Desa dalam peranannya 
menunjang kepastian hukum hak atas tanah wakaf di wilayah Kabupaten Grobogan?

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